Professional Experience
Senior Web Developer
Jan 2024 -
Freelance, Dickinson, TX
Working on multiple projects for multiple clients, including...
- CRM based systems for pharmaceutical companies
- online ecommerce sites for religious organizations
- corporate sites for small businesses
- custom built archive system for a university that manages art history
Skills/Technologies used: PHP, MySql, Javascript, CSS, UI Design, Apache, Paint Shop Pro Photo, Quickbooks, Quickbooks API, Visual Basic
Senior Web Developer/Server Manager
July 2019 - December 2023
Nelson & Co, Sugar Land, TX
- Oversaw and mentored development team on multiple projects.
- Maintained updates, backups, caching, and security systems for multiple WordPress clients.
- Custom WordPress theme and plugin development.
- Server setup and maintenance in multiple environments.
Skills/Technologies used: WordPress, PHP, MySql, Javascript, jQuery, CSS, SEO, Oauth services, JSON, XML, Linux, Apache, Photoshop, WordPress Development, Git, Elementor, Elementor Widget Development, WHM, cPanel, SMTP, Microsoft Exchange
Contract Web Development
August 2011 - July 2019
Nelson & Co, Sugar Land, TX
- Build and maintain multiple new web applications.
- WordPress theme and plugin development.
- LAMP setup and maintenance.
- Communicated with designers to achieve ideal product.
Skills/Technologies used: WordPress, PHP, MySql, Javascript, jQuery, CSS, SEO, Oauth services, JSON, XML, Linux, Apache, Photoshop, Git
Senior Developer
June 2017 - October 2018
Nobilis Health, Katy, TX
- Primarily focused on internal CRM system, including new features and bug fixes.
- Extended implementation of HL7 protocols for secure healthcare communications.
- Updated multiple pages to a responsive layout using Angular JS.
Skills/Technologies used: PHP, MySql, Javascript, jQuery, CSS, JSON, Linux, Git, Angular JS
Web Developer
December 2016 - February 2017
Rand Group, Houston, TX
- Maintained multiple client websites.
- Built custom WordPress plugin that interfaced with Pardot Form Handlers.
- Some NGINX maintenance and configuration.
Skills/Technologies used: PHP, MySql, Javascript, jQuery, CSS, JSON, Linux, Nginx, Pardot, WordPress, Git
Web Developer
October 2011 - August 2016
Reasoning Mind, Houston, TX
- Multiple website production and database construction.
- Built tools and pages across departments, worked with many different teams and department heads to achieve their visions.
- Key optimizations, systems architecture & delivery.
- Technical consultation to the design/marketing team.
Skills/Technologies used: PHP, MySql, Javascript, jQuery, CSS, SVN, SEO, Social media platforms, Facebook integration, JSON, XML, Linux, Apache, Photoshop, WordPress, SVN, Git, Mercurial
Senior Web Developer (PHP), Team Lead
April 2010 - August 2011
Earth Sports, Sugar Land, TX
- Team lead, database construction and key optimizations.
- Systems architecture & delivery.
- Development and support of
Skills/Technologies used: PHP, MySql, Javascript, jQuery, Site Delivery through Akamai, CSS, SVN, SEO, Boonex Dolphin, Social media platforms, Facebook integration, Oauth services, JSON, XML, Linux, Apache, Photoshop
Web Developer/Designer
May 2003 - March 2010
Herbert's Fun-Shop, Sugar Land, TX
- Built an E-Commerce platform from scratch.
- Development and support of, and all sub site therein.
- Single developer/designer environment.
- Database construction and maintenance.
- Integration of QuickBooks through custom-built Visual Basic applications.
Skills/Technologies used: PHP, MySql, Javascript, CSS, UI Design, Apache, Paint Shop Pro Photo, Quickbooks, Quickbooks API, Visual Basic